Meet our 2015-2016 Sophomore Class
Name: Blake Bergeron
What’s your favorite event and why?
Informative: I love how you can learn something new and interesting in every round. The topics fascinate me.
What do you look forward to this year?
I look forward to getting to know all of the new people on the team and watching everyone grow!
What do you get at Starbucks?
I get a grande coffee frap.
Who would play you in a movie and why?
Jim Sturgess will play me! There are two reasons. We look alike (at least I think so). Also, he is good at playing the awkward/kinda nerdy fun guy, as shown in the movie 21, and I would like to think that’s me.
What do you think?
What does your power suit combo look like?
Something grey with something green!
What is your major?
I’m a finance major
What do you want to do when you graduate?
When I graduate, I want to go into management consulting!